What Is Programming? How to learn Programming?

 Today we are going to talk about programming. What programming actually. And how to learn more about programming and how to be a programming 

What is programming and how to learn aboot programming

What is programming?

               Computer programming is the execution of a specific computation, normally by designing and developing an executable computer program. In other words, programming is the set of instructions sent to a computer by us using the programming languages that can a computer understand. 

          Programming is simply giving instructions to computers in specific languages. Programming includes tasks such as generating algorithms, profiling algorithms, and implementing algorithms.

 How To Learn Programming?

          let us talk about how to learn to program. What is the right way to learn programming? here are some tips to learn programming fast.

1. Learn About Basics 

             When you start to learn about programming always get start from a basic level. start learning an easy and beginner-friendly programming language. the most recommended language for a beginner is python. Python is the most powerful and easy programming language. The cool thing about python is its syntax which is very easy than any other programming language. Know here is an important thing to know always start with very basic things at the beginning of the programming. Don't jump directly to shiny tools because when you are using complex tools it might be difficult for you to build something and you will be bored and going to quit programming. First of all, give your best on the basics and then start learning modern and powerful tools.

2. Choose A Programming Language 

            After learning about the basics of programming select a programming language for you to take your knowledge to next level. While choosing a programming language keep in mind what you wanna be. Maybe you wanna be a web developer or an app developer or a software developer. So choose the programming language which is best for your field. If you wanna be a web developer you should learn JavaScript or if you wanna be an app developer you should learn about Java etc.

3. Learn About Advanced Concepts 

          Once you learn enough about the basics then move on and learn about the advanced concepts like algorithms and data structures. Go ahead and crack the modern technologies. Practice again and again. Build clones of websites and software you want.

4. Build your First Project

      Start building a simple project with the programming language you learned. Start with a very simple project. Then if you wish build advances level projects. These projects are very helpful to get a job and practice your knowledge in a practical way. In the beginning, start with a very basic project as I said before. In the early stages you have to face some difficulties you need to be patient one day you will be a great programmer.

How to start programming and how to be a programming


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