Top Programming Languages in 2022 || Part 1

Today we are going to talk about top programming languages. You will be able to know about the best programming languages to learn in 2022. So, here we go, let's start it!

  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript 
  • C#
  • C/C++

Now let's talk about these amazing programming languages one by one and look out for their pores and prams.

1. Python

 Python is the most useful programming language in 2022. It is the language of the modern era. Guido van Rossum developed python. Python is a high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It appears at the top of the list of top programming languages because it is very approachable. Python is easy to use and deploy. Many famous websites like YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest are using python in their development.

2. Java

         Java is also a high-level, class-based, object-oriented language. This programming language is also used by a vast majority of great organizations. Java is used to build enterprise-scale applications. It is very stable and that is the reason behind its popularity. The Java virtual machine allows Java to run on virtually every hardware and operating system, making it one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Java is been top of the list of programming languages for years. It is used in the development of many big websites like Google, Amazon, Twitter, etc.

3. JavaScript


JavaScript is a front-end programming language. This programming language is very vastly used to develop interactive UI designs. It also can be used as a server-side programming language with frameworks like Node.js. It is the most popular programming language among developers. According to W3tech  JavaScript is used in 97.6% of websites. Node.js enables developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripts, running server-side scripts to generate dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. If you wanna learn JavaScript it is necessary to learn about Html and CSS.

4. C# 


 C# commonly pronounced as C sharp is a general-purpose programming language. It is developed by Microsoft. It is used to run the .NET platform for widows applications. This programming language is used in game development. Very famous game engine Unity use this programming language. If we are going to learn it keep in mind this is not an easy programming language so first of all you have to learn simple programming the jump into C#. C# is fully integrated with the .NET library. So if you wanna develop Desktop applications you have to learn C#.

5. C / C++


   C and C++ are heavily involved in the world of programming. Nearly all core systems, like operating systems and file systems, are the bases of these two programming languages. Several compiler libraries like MinGW, Borland c++, Dev C++, etc. work with C++. These programming languages are used in competitive programming because of their higher stability. C++ is vastly used in the development of algorithms. If you want to be a system-level programmer you should learn these programming languages. But again these languages have a very complicated syntax that is hard to remember. So, we can say these programming languages are hard to learn.


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