Front-End Development Vs Back-End Development

What is front-end development and how does it differs from back-end development? Why front-end and back-end developers are different? These are the most common question that comes to your mind when you are a beginner. let's clear our doubts !! What is Front-End(Client-Side) Development? "Front-End development is the development of graphical user interfaces" . In simple words, front-end development is about the part of the website which clients see. So we can say all the graphics, images, design, animations, and things that visitors can see on a website is about front-end development. Importance Front-end development is very much important because it leaves the first impression on the users. We all know that the first impression is the last impression . Now in 2022 while everything has become more advanced we need to learn advanced front-end development. Because if the User-Interface of your website is not very good or it is not compatible with...