The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript for the Absolute Beginner

What is JavaScript? How it works it works? What are the common concepts that can be learned? These are some of the common questions that come to mind when we are beginning to learn JavaScript coding. So, We are here to find an answer to these questions. let's review them!!

What is Javascript beginner guide

What is JavaScript?

 JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is widely used in the development of web applications together with HTML and CSS. According to a survey of  W3Tech over 97% of websites are built using JavaScript. JavaScript is basically used to design the frontend of a website we can do backend development using the Node.js framework. We can add very interactive UI's and add more functionality to them using JavaScript. Moreover, we have some cool liberties and frameworks like bootstrap, jQuery, React.js, and Angular.js to have more control of our UI components which is very useful while we are building responsive websites.

 JavaScript History

In the 1990s there was a boom in the internet everybody was interested to know more about this cool thing. At that time there were two popular web browsers on Internet Explorer and the second was Netscape Navigator. There was a competition between them. At that time the hero of our story comes in. Netscape hired a developer name Brendan Eich in Sep 1995. Netscape signed a contract with him to program a scripting language in a very small time. He code a scripting language in ten days named Moka. Later on, it was renamed LiveScript and after collaboration with Sun Microsystems, it was named JavaScript.  

 How do JavaScript works?

What is JavaScript and How it Works

JavaScript works on Clint-Side which means it runs in our web browser. Now, who runs this JavaScript in our web browser simple answer to this question is that it is the JavaScript engine. As narrated before JavaScript was invented by Netscape so they designed a JavaScript engine later Netscape was converted into Firefox and the JavaScript engine was called SpicerMonkey. Same like Firefox Google Chrome has a JavaScript engine which is called  V8 and Microsoft Edge has Chakra. There are some mild changes between them but they are almost the same because the same JavaScript is running them. let's have a Look at JavaScript concepts.

Basic Concepts in JavaScript 

JavaScript is a very vast programming language. We can do a lot of things with JavaScript like add interactive features to websites, build games, and make our website responsive. To do all of the cool things you need to learn the basics of JavaScript. Let's have a quick recap of the JavaScript concepts. While working with JavaScript you need to save something maybe a number or a username or something like that to save it you need a variable. There are many kinds of JavaScript variables we use according to the condition and the perimeter that we want to save. There are logical operators to add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc. We can use them to do what we want. If we need to repeat something again and again we can use loops. We can control our statements using the Conditionals in JavaScript to control our statements according to conditions. We can create functions you perform complex tasks. 


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